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Soul Recalibration Energy Attunements – Level 1

Soul Recalibration Energy Attunements – Level 1

SKU: SREattun

This set of particular Soul Recalibration energy attunements comprise of five attunements working with the Ascended Masters and Angelic Realm.

Each attunement is aimed at enabling you to tap into your full soul power to prepare you for service to spirit. Each attunement will work through the main seven chakras and your etheric body to completely clear, recharge and align your energies so you can access your full power as a healer, intuitive and lightworker.

Attunement 1 – Archangel Raphael – Lower Chakra Acceleration and Clearing

In this particular attunement, you will receive energy activations from Archangel Raphael to remove all lower energy imprints. This will accelerate your grounding and connection with Mother Earth. It will enable clear communication from Earth’s crystalline grid to feed your Root, Sacral, Solar and Heart chakras.

Attunement 2 – Archangel Ariel – Higher Charka Acceleration and Clearing

In this particular energy attunement, you will receive energy activations from Archangel Ariel to remove all lower energy imprints within your heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. This will accelerate your connection with your Higher-Self, your spiritual guides, and angels and the Universal Crystalline energy grid. It will enable clear communication from spirit and help to enhance and accelerate your spiritual intuitive gifts. This attunement will enhance your clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, Claircognisant, Clairalliance, and clairgustance. It will prepare and enhance your ability to understand how you work with spirit and how they work with you.

Attunement 3 – Ascended Masters – Lord Lanto and Lord Serapis Bey

In this powerful attunement, you will receive and be attuned with Lord Lanto to prepare you for spiritual service, so you may walk as an illumined one with the light and wisdom of the masters. You will also be attuned with Lord Serapis Bey so you are able to fully acquire and understand the soul disciplines required to reach ascension.

Attunement 4 – Ascended Masters Lady Nada and Lady Portia

This powerful energy attunement will attune you with Lady Nada so that your heart’s sensitivity is developed for spiritual service so you can awaken the light in yourself and others to bring about world peace, love, and healing. You will then receive a personal healing attunement with Lady Portia to balance your soul’s energies through karmic release so that you can assist others in releasing karmic imprints. This attunement will assist you in learning to stand in your own power, so you can fulfill your life’s purpose.

Attunement 5 – Ascended Master Saint Germain 

This particular Ascended Master Saint Germain attunement prepares you to develop the art of transmutation and alchemy. In particular, Ascended Master Saint Germain will accelerate your skills of prophecy and your ability to perceive spirit guidance and recognise energetic shifts through intuition planetary changes.

How Do You Receive These Energy Attunements?

You will receive 5 attunements and a student manual which will detail how you receive your attunements via email within seven working days of your order.

Where Do Attunements Come From?

Jill Harrison was born with the soul gifts of prophecy, channeling, mediumship, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and Clairalliance. She is a Lemuriance Healing Facilitator and Reiki Master. She has been a psychic trance channel for over 30 years for the Spirit Realm, Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters and Starseed Races. She is an author and columnist for the Sedona Journal of Emergence. She is a Pleiadian Healing Coach and Spiritual Teacher here in the UK, USA, Europe, and Japan. All attunements have been trance-channeled from the spiritual realm directly through her. If you would like a teacher’s attunement which enables you to pass on the attunements to others, please contact us for more details. Please note the teacher’s attunements carry additional costs.


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