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Archangel Metatron Angel Attunement

Archangel Metatron Angel Attunement


This Archangel Metatron Angel Attunement is for those who desire to be attuned to the vibrational frequencies of Archangel Metatron for guidance, support and spiritual direction.

This powerful attunement focuses upon opening the cosmic star portal chakra so you can access higher vibrational spiritual guidance, before then moving onto to activate the third eye chakra before finally entering into and anchoring the angelic light frequencies into your heart chakra to help you heal any restrictive energy fields which are blocking your spiritual awareness and growth.

This is a one-off attunement and is sent to you by way of a energy healing orb of light. Each attunement is specifically channelled by me with Archangel Metatron to help you connect with Archangel Metatron’s presence.

Your attunement is an orb of light energy sphere that is passed from me to you so that you can receive Archangel Metatron’s vibrational energies to help you with your spiritual growth.

Once you have placed your order I will channel the relevant energy from Archangel Metatron to you. The Archangelic Realm, my guides and your higher self will oversee this process which will be in the angelic vibration of love, light and truth.



You will receive an order confirmation within 24 hours and then we will aim to send you your attunement within seven days. You will receive an email on how to call in your attunement.

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