Angel Chakra Healing Attunement
Connect with the angelic realm in this beautiful chakra healing attunement and receiving healing from the angelic realm so that all of your chakras are open, charged and fully aligned.
In this attunement Archangel Raphael, Uriel and the Seraphim angelic realm will focus on bringing you healing energy to help you heal any aspects of your chakras that are impeding you from attaining your soul's growth.
In this angel chakra healing attunement you'll receive angelic energies so you can experience life without fear, aligning with joy, abundance and health on a mind, body and soul level.
This attunement is a profound energy healing session that will enable your angels to make you aware of what you can heal and release. Through this attunement you will be imbued with angelic love and light, giving you renewed strength, courage and love.
Ordering Information
This energy attunement will be sent to you via a distance healing energy orb. Full instructions of how to call in your energy attunement can be downloaded once you have completed your payment.
After your payment, Jill will channel your angels and prepare your distance healing attunement. When it is complete, she will email you to notify you it is ready for you to call in.Please note, this particular energy healing attunement is 'open-ended' this means you can call in this energy healing attunement whenever and as many times, as you feel you need to.