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Starseed Ascension Light Frequency Bandwidth Attunements

Starseed Ascension Light Frequency Bandwidth Attunements

These SEVEN attunements align and anchor in your own divine frequencies, the Algalithian/Arcturian/Pleiadian/Lyran/Zeta Reticuli/Andromedan/Vegan ascension energies to help accelerate your own hidden divine soul aspects. 


Each attunement will build upon your own current frequencies which will begin to accelerate divine self-healing and assist you in your own ascension program. As you experience each attunement, deeper connections to the starseed realms will open up within you, bringing superconsciousness awareness of the multiverse in which you exist.


If you have been seeking a deeper connection with the other realms of reality and you have been longing to break free of the 3D matrix reality, this attunement is for you.


Designed to accelerate healing, raise individual vibration and accelerate the process of Self expansion! The Starseed Ascension Light Frequency Bandwidth Attunement divinely permeates your being and this profoundly translates into a deeper connections with all the multiversal dimensional realms.


First attunement - Algalithian Bio-Diversity Alignment - Clears your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of energetic debris that no longer serves you. This prepares your body for higher light synthesis, clearing toxic issues, old psychic cords, implants and imprints.


Second Attunement - Starseed Divine Matrix Alignment - This prepares you for interdimensional awareness and activates the third eye chakra for interdimensional sight.


Third Attunement - Starseed Crystalline Matrix Alignment - This connects you to the 1st and 2nd Ascension Bandwiths of  the Multiverse. Anchoring of these energies will unlock your quantum consciousness capabilities and your ability to communicate in higher vibrational states of awareness.


Fourth AttunementStarseed Crystalline Matrix Alignment - This connects you to the 3rd  and 4th Ascension Bandwiths of the Multiverse. Anchoring of these energies will unlock your quantum consciousness capabilities and your ability to communicate in higher vibrational states of awareness.


Fifth Attunement - Higher Soul Quantum Alignment - This connects you to the 5th & 6th Ascension Bandwiths to activate and anchor within all of your subtle bodies the Mahatma Light Formulas to harmonise your cerebral ability to perceive, see and communicate with higher frequencies of ascension.


Sixth Attunement - Soul Hologram Sacred Consciousness. In this attunement you will undergo a special energetic and light code healing session to recalibrate and prepare your body to merge with the divine hologram of divine multiversal consciousness.  As you undergo this attunement, your Cosmic Guides of Multiversal consciouness will work with you in understanding your Divine Self. This is a very powerful resonance energy that connects you to the Divine Frequency of All That Is. 


Seventh Final Attunement - Divine Super Consciousness  Convergence. This activates into your own Spirit/Soul Matrix, the light codes of Multiversal harmony on all levels throughout all timelines, dimensions and activates your full connection with Divine SuperConsciousness.


This programme of Starseed Ascension Light Attunements may introduce you to new Starseed Ascended Masters who will step forward to assist you in your spirit/soul's Ascension and involution of your divine nature. 


These attunement will assist you in all aspects of your spiritual journey and it will introduce you into a deeper understanding of yourself as a Divine Essence of Conscious Energy.


Once you have placed your order, your attunements will be trance-channelled and then sent to you along with a manual on how to do your attunements as per our terms and conditions of sale.


    ©2020 by エンジェルメッセンジャー

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