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Metatronic Radio Sonic Etheric Angel Healing

Metatronic Radio Sonic Etheric Angel Healing


This angel healing session will fill you with  Metatronic, angel filled healing light to assist you in healing and calibrating the energies within your Etheric field.

Your Etheric field helps you align with your soul. When you go into meditation, or require healing, you use the energies within your Etheric field to help you restore, repair and rejuvenate your energies and cells.

This angel healing session will help you balance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. During this remote healing session, your chakra system will be regulated and the frequency of your chakras will integrated to work at a higher frequency.

With the assistance of Archangel Metatron, new radio sonic frequencies will help you with physical illness, karmic issues that require healing. Archangel Metatron will through telepathic radio sonic frequencies, help you decrease disease and negative energy flow.

This is a highly spiritual and powerful healing session, through this session you will find it easier to connect with your higher-self, it restores faith, hope and cosmic unity back into your energy fields.

Experiencing Etheric angel healing will help you to understand the true nature of your soul, because your Etheric body is the stabilising force of all your other energy bodies, when the Etheric body’s energy field is not balanced, it has a knock on effect on the vital energy systems which hold together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. If this breaks down, it creates a lack of receptivity of awareness.

If you have a particular health issue, or you wish to focus on healing a particular area of your life or body, this Metatronic Radiosonic Etheric Angel healing session will help you.

Ordering Requirements:-

When you place your order, we will confirm this back to you within 24 hours by email.
You will be asked to forward to us one of the following:-

  • PHYSICAL HEALING – Send us an image of the area you require healing, along with your full name as used on your birth certificate. Please also include brief details of the issues you are having
  • ENERGY/EMOTIONAL/MENTAL HEALING – Send us a full image of the front and back of your body. We must be able to see your feet and head in both photos. Also send us your full name as used on your birth certificate, along with brief details of what you would like assistance with.
  • PSYCHIC-INTUITIVE BLOCKS – Send us a full image of the front and back of your body. We must be able to see your feet and head in both photos. Also send us your full name as used on your birth certificate, along with brief details of what you would like assistance with.

What Can This Etheric Angel Healing Session be used for?

  • Physical Health Issues, this energy healing is non-evasive and does not affect anyone on medication.
  • Emotional healing, such as grief, unrequited love, fear, insecurities and phobias
  • Mental healing, such as depression, bi-polar, anxiety and stress
  • Intuitive healing, such a inability to connect with spirit, imbalance within chakra or energy fields, past live trauma, birth trauma, third-eye issues.

    ©2020 by エンジェルメッセンジャー

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