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Starseed Third Eye Attunement

Starseed Third Eye Attunement

Activate Your Starseed third eye to enable you to perceive and see things from a Starseed intuitive level.


This Starseed attunement will enable you to perceive and align with higher vibrational realities/dimensions for greater insight and multiversal communication with other starseed nations.


The functionality of this attunement is to help you support humanity and mother Earth through its ascension process by being able to see things from a higher-evolved consciousness. 

Currently available are the following attunements: - 

  • Algalithian
  • Pleiadian
  • Sirian
  • Arcturian
  • Lyran
  • Vegan
  • Orion
  • Andromedan
  • Venusian
  • Zeta Reticuli


Please note that having this attunement may open up communication with your guides from your chosen starseed race, therefore you must be prepared for new higher states of awareness to develop over the coming days and weeks of your attunement to support you in your own soul's ascension. 

  • Important Ordering Information

    Be sure to advise us which third eye attunement you want when you place your order. You can order as many starseed attunements as you need, just be sure to adjust the quantity if you want more than one attunement.

    When you place your order you will be able to download your 'How To Call In Your Attunement' handbook. Once we receive your order, this will be passed to Jill who will channel your order with the selected Starseed race and then she will email you when your attunement has been completed to notify you it is available for you to call in.


©2024 by AngelMessenger

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