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64 – Archangel Uriel Healing Meditation – A Journey To The Rainbow Bridge MP3

64 – Archangel Uriel Healing Meditation – A Journey To The Rainbow Bridge MP3

SKU : MP31064

During this powerful, yet peaceful guided meditation, experience releasing: –



  • Stress
  • Physical tiredness
  • Anxiety
  • Frustration
  • Pain
  • Negativity
  • Depression
  • Irritation
  • Anger


Allow yourself to move into and experience: –



  1. Inner Peace
  2. Balance
  3. Harmony
  4. Stillness
  5. Comfort


In this meditation you will work with Archangel Uriel and his ministering angels and explore the powerful presence of Mother Nature. You will journey through a beautiful healing forest inhabited by Sylphs, before finding the Rainbow Bridge.

This rainbow bridge leads you to the place where animals have passed to spirit. Spend time in nature with these spirit animals, allow them to help bring you healing and loving vibrations.


Discover where animals who have passed reside, and the angels who take care of them in the heavenly realm. Even if you haven’t had any pets, you can still greatly benefit from this powerful healing meditation.


Enhance your life, experience total peace, devoid of mental chatter and noise, this relaxing meditation webinar will help you experience a little bit of heaven.




If you are:-



  • In need of releasing stress
  • Miss your pets who have passed to spirit
  • In need of finding some inner peace and harmony
  • Struggling to relax
  • Finding it hard to stop your brain from thinking.
  • Experiencing a lot of personal difficulties at this time


then this meditation will help you gain greater perspective and help you to feel at peace.

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