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Soul Blueprint Reading

Soul Blueprint Reading


Discover what your soul’s plan is.


Have you ever wondered if you are fulfilling your soul plan?


International Archangel Trance-Channel Jill Harrison is currently offering serious spiritual seekers an opportunity to access ancient time line information about their soul, it’s purpose and it’s destiny.


Your soul holds particular vibrations. Within those vibrations are strengths and challenges that your soul is wishing to express. During this very personal trance-channelled reading, guidance is given from Archangel Metatron which carries energetic activation energies that speak to your soul so it can heal, transform and awaken to its divine mission.


If you are a spiritual seeker who wishes to understand its past, present and best future potential, this particular reading will help you identify why you have incarnated at this time and how you can heal ancient karma that has been inherited down through your soul families lineage.


Access Healing and Development Guidance From Archangel Metatron


Archangel Metatron is the Supreme Chief Archangel of the Angelic Realm. Through Jill Harrison he will give her information to help point you in the direction that your soul needs to go. If you are looking for fulfilment, to understand the Authentic Deeper Self, this this guidance will bring you a wealth of information on how to acquire wealth, fulfil your ambitions and attain Spiritual Self-Mastery.


Discover how to embody and hold the divine energy of your soul. This reading is like a psychic mirror that reveals to you the soul’s inner spiritual energy and reveals the potential you possess and how you can express that spiritual essence of self into the physical world.


This powerful soul blueprint reading and therapy session is for those light-workers who desire to understand the destiny of the soul, the spiritual gifts the soul contains, and how this relates in this incarnation through the physical body, physical gifts and karmic residue.


Explore Your Soul Blueprint

Heal your soul at its deepest level so you can remove the blocks and restrictions that invisibly hold you back from expressing the authentic self. Learn about your divine express, so you can experience happiness, fulfillment and success.


During this session, you will explore and have the ability to learn about your past lives, your current physical incarnation, and the healing or transformation you must master to complete your soul’s goals and destiny.


Discover Yourself and Your Blue Soulprint Destiny


This spiritual coaching session will help you recognise what you need to do to experience true fulfilment on a creator level. If you have been seeking in vain to understand your soul’s mission then this session is for you.


Prior to this reading Jill will channel Archangel Metatron and be shown your soul’s blueprint, then angelic guidance will be given on what you need to do to ensure you elevate your evolution for greater impact in the physical world.


This is similar to being given a map so you can understand the challenges you face, the gifts available to navigate life and the mission you were meant to complete.

This session offers you a unique opportunity for you to begin healing yourself on a soul level. This means clearing away invisible, old programming and beliefs which hinder you from discovering your authentic self. It will help you heal on a personal level and also affect you professionally.


If you would like to:-



  • Create a more fulfilling life
  • Experience deeper meaningful relationships
  • Feel comfortable expressing yourself
  • Be at peace with yourself
  • Create your life the way you want it to be


Give yourself the gift of getting to know and understand your soul blueprint so you can change your destiny.


Listen and watcht what Edward has to say about his Soul Blueprint Reading here



Reviewer: Susan from Alaska USA

5 stars out of 5

This was an excellent reading!!! I wish I had this information years ago, I am so happy I have it now. The third-dimensional karma was a huge surprise. I was totally unaware of the extent of dysfunctional energy that was absorbed from others to the extent of me not being able to function properly in certain areas. It made me develop mistrust in myself which lead to indecision. Jill gives you recommendations to follow, in order to heal, and she explains everything very well, and makes sure that you understand. You can ask questions at anytime. This reading covers everything that she says it does, and more. I can now focus on my healing and spiritual gifts and goals- I know what I am to work on now. Jill is absolutely hilarious. I laugh when I replay the recording. Jill handed me the equivalent of a bar of gold. This reading is a steal at this price, and the information is priceless. Best Christmas present I ever bought myself. Thank you Jill and Metatron!




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