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103 Archangel Michael Finding Soul Strength

103 Archangel Michael Finding Soul Strength

SKU: MP31103

In this Archangel Michael guided meditation, explore how to tap into and access your soul's strength to help you eradicate fear and anxiety.


This Archangel Michael Healing Meditation Session offers you an opportunity to master the qualities of interdependence and vulnerability. Interdependence is the lesson of learning to see that all things are connected and everything, in one way or another, depends on that connectedness. The lesson of vulnerability is to learn how to share our vulnerability with others so that we all learn to collaborate for a greater outcome. Showing our vulnerability enables us to bond on a deeper level with one another.


When we call upon or ask for support from Michael, we are essentially inviting him to help teach us to understand mercy and how to be open-hearted and caring. This may seem strange when Archangel Michael is portrayed as a warrior angel. However, by learning these gifts, we become powerful, and we develop the ability to discern right from wrong. It enables us to live free of fear and be fully empowered beings.


Take a deep healing journey with the help of Archangel Michael and awaken to just how strong and empowered you truly are.


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Archangel Michael is one of only two archangels to be named in the Christian, Jewish and Islamic traditions. The other being Archangel Gabriel.


Archangel Michael is the angel of protection, courage, strength and confidence. His grid is over the West coast of the USA at Mount Shasta. His name, 'Michael' is said to be interpreted to mean 'who is like God', 'who is as God', or 'who is like unto the Lord'.


It is interesting that English speaking people choose to pronounce his name as My-Kul; when in alignment with all other Archangel names, it would be Mik- eye- el. Artists often draw Archangel Michael carrying or holding a sword or the scales of justice, to signify his strength and truth .


Jill Harrison has trance-channelled Archangel Michael many times. He is associated with:- ambition, belief, confidence, courage, direction, empowerment, faith, honour, justice, integrity, judgement, leadership, motivation, positivity, self-esteem, strength, support, truth, upliftment and unconditional love.


Like many of the Archangels, he has a particular interest in the welfare of children.

You can call upon Michael to protect both yourself, others and possessions.



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